About us.
Thank you for your interest in Network One(acquired by Subdimension) Web Hosting Services


A word from our founder.

Let me take a minute to introduce Network One(Subdimension) Hosting. This webhosting company was founded after countless bad experiences with other crooked and incompetent hosting services. Finally, after I found myself explaining to my hosting company why their SSL certificate was expired and how they could look at it to see that it was expired, I realized I was a better system administrator than the people working for these other companies. I had 15 years of Unix background and experience managing ISP's so why was I paying another company to host my domains? The only reason was that I had not started my own hosting company.

Most hosting companies start with the idea that they will become huge businesses with thousands of customers. They may start off doing a good job but soon find that support and services do not scale the way they expected. A company can handle a certain number of customers well and keep them happy but when they start to become overloaded they find it difficult, no, impossible to find competent administrators and tech support personnel. Anyone that is competent enough to work tech support would never take the job because they can take another job with better pay and fewer headaches. The companies wind up hiring anyone that will take the job even if they know little about computers. Any system administrator that can do a good job is quickly overloaded as more and more customers constantly join. This is a common failing of hosting companies. Overload and incompetence. Their support is not capable of dealing with customer questions and problems and the one competent administrator cannot handle every service needed for thousands of customers.

When I started this business there were two fundamentals I decided to stick with.

  • 1. Keep the system up and running.
  • 2. Limit the number of customers.

    Those seem simple but very few hosting companies can do one of them much less both. They constantly have to make upgrades to keep up with customer demands and with every change is the possibility something else will break. They accept customers as fast as they sign up online and hope they can expand enough to keep more coming in. The problem they have is too many customers.

    We limit the number of customers we serve to a manageable number. This allows us to provide high quality service to the customers we do have which results in loyal customers that do not need to change providers every few months. When enough account slots open we accept new members.

    Thank you for visiting our site and reading our ramblings. We hope you will try us out. Billing is on a month by month basis so you can easily signup and try us out for 2 or 3 months. It takes at least that long before you really know if a hosting company is any good. Check out the bottom of our FAQ page before signing up with any hosting company.




Network One Hosting Services Copyright 2005 all rights reserved